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FortyOne aka Steven Blair Nichols of Pennsylvania

Around that time i started amassing a huge collection of illegal porn, which i deleted completey the day before i turned 18 - just to be that much more carefull..
I dont share your "ewwwww" feelings about my parents knowing.. Of course im big on incest

There was a girl who was three years old, and she loved me with all of her heart. I couldn't help but love her back. She loved cuddling, kissing and snuggling. I can't count the times I lost myself in her love and we would kiss passionately. I loved her so much it hurt. I never knew what that meant before then, but I do now.
onemilligram aka James Warren Gray of Ohio currently in Egypt

My desire for lg's has been as strong as super glue since I was like 5 or something, sometimes it goes away and I can actually look at a lg for a short period of time and just admire her beauty without the nearly unbearable desire to do something unhealthy. I love my wife more than anything and I love being intimate with her but the thirst, this godamned hunger is never satisfied and that demon inside me wants me to say FUCK IT and do something crazy.
captainzen aka Alexander Baldal of the Netherlands

Now over 60, been comforted by a 12 year old, so heavenly, so divine that I never regret that she was gone, happy instead that I had her love for a awhile. Dont cry over spilled milk.
Demosthenes aka Jacob Detring of Tennessee

That's why I'm staying with..
...the 10 and under crowd for my own in-home modelling shots, they haven't been indoctrinated in "decent, virtuous, and moral" like a 14 year old tends to be. ^_~
Poisontears aka Alia Loren Jacobson of New York

all of my fantasies...
...are violent, and include rape, torture, killing, etc. And in all of my fantasies i am male (well, i guess that facillitates the rape thing.) Oddly enough, in some of my fantasies (in which i am not actually involved) there are two children, one raping and mutilating the other.
Cephaloped aka Daniel Woodward Heath of Ohio

...I was convicted of "illegal use of a minor in nudity oriented material or performance." I did time, was on parole for a while, and have to register as a sex offender....
...they sometimes lump various things together as they did in the law I was convicted under....
D aka David Weiss Richardson of Texas

Let's assume bondage and sodomy consists of lightly tying the child down, possibly drugging him a little so he doesn't struggle, and inserting thin objects (say, a pen or something thinner) into his anus.
While I cannot endorse restraining an infant or inserting objects into his anus without a valid reason (e.g. protect child from harm or take a temperature if he has a fever), it's not "the worst possible scenario" when it comes to child abuse
dragonwhip aka Michael Davidson Baskett of Virginia

If sex could enter into it without any threat of prison, i.e. if whe world were more relaxed about love and sexuality, then I would love to make sweet love to a young girl, tickling her and making her laugh, feeling her warm, soft skin against mine, but all I can do is dream. Sucks, doesn't it?
Fachy aka Ahmad Ali of Maryland

Where I live there are alot of street kids, you find them outside mosques begging or cleaning cars' windows at stop light and so on... my idea basically is to be nice to one of those once, and increase it gradually to achieve some.. ahem... desirable outcomes. Let's examine this in details assuming the GEORGOUS girl I just saw today outside the mosque... she was about 6-7, had the cutest face ever with a veil covering hair, and was selling tissues I think
Greenfly aka Aubrey Eugene Davis of Florida

if you were on death row and instead to a last meal, or got a last sexual explicit act that you could perform on anyone you like at any age. Who would you pick, how old and what would the act be? You can have only one pick, but perform more than one act.
I would go with my 13 yr old 1st cousin once removed, which i still believe is my 2nd cousin, but that's for another post, I would first perform oral sex on her and finish with a traditional Missionary style, me on top.
soulfulsongbird aka Sarah Louise Arney of Texas

I can tell I am in the right place ,I love little girls ,no kiding,they love me back ,the little they are the more they love me .I teach six & seven year olds at church I am in haven when I am with my class ,I am in hell when not with them.I love to see games at school VB ...,i LOVE to see play's at church & school,do we see A trind here If there are little girls somplace look around I am there
Sibelius aka Peter-Gene Budarick of South Australia

Loving children is the ONLY thing that makes this animal, homo sapiens, a human being, and we would want to kill that?! by finding a cure?!
Tamachan aka Bryan McMullon of Canada

When I was fired from my daycare job, I was taken away from someone very special to me. It nearly devastated me, but it crushed her, and there was nothing I could do about it.
toby/tobs aka Thomas Toby Rutan of Florida

my AoA is 6-12 years old
Skull Dander aka Clinton Robert Lambobard of Texas

I would have to say --in all honesty-- that it doesn't matter how young or old the little cutie is, so long as we don't get caught.
Happy Wikisposure Day to all!!!
Alice has once again been rescued from the forces of evil. Thank you Wikisposure!